sábado, 30 de dezembro de 2023

Avebarna Herald: O caminho das pedras

Folha de S Paulo 27-12-2023
Milhares de pessoas participaram de um protesto em Buenos Aires, capital da Argentina, nesta quarta-feira (27) contra o "megadecreto" anunciado pelo presidente do país, Javier Milei.

(..) Segundo o jornal Clarín, a relação entre manifestantes e a polícia foi marcada por tensão, incluindo a detenção de pessoas que tentavam fechar faixas de trânsito nas ruas. (..) Um protocolo de segurança anunciado anteriormente por Milei 
autoriza o uso de forças federais contra quem bloquear vias e impedir a livre circulação com protestos não autorizados pelo governo na Argentina. (..) Em uma mensagem na plataforma X, antigo Twitter, a Central de Trabalhadores da Argentina (CTA) dizia: "Abaixo as DNU [Decreto de Necessidade e Urgência]. Nenhum ajuste a mais. Nenhum direito a menos".


sexta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2023

Avebarna Fridays for Future

The Guardian 29-12-2023

As historically high temperatures continued to be registered in many parts of the world in late December, the former Nasa scientist James Hansen told the Guardian that 2023 would be remembered as the moment when failures became apparent.

“When our children and grandchildren look back at the history of human-made climate change, this year and next will be seen as the turning point at which the futility of governments in dealing with climate change was finally exposed,” he said. “Not only did governments fail to stem global warming, the rate of global warming actually accelerated.” (..)

Now director of the climate programme at Columbia University’s Earth Institute in New York, Hansen said the best hope was for a generational shift of leadership. “The bright side of this clear dichotomy is that young people may realise that they must take charge of their future. The turbulent status of today’s politics may provide opportunity,” he said. (..)


quinta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2023

Avebarna Herald: Marcha dos sem-economia

BBC News 25-12-2023
Uma extensa caravana de migrantes da América Central e do Sul partiu do México em direção à fronteira dos Estados Unidos. Até 8 mil pessoas de todas as idades, principalmente da Venezuela, Cuba e México, fazem parte da procissão — eles levam uma faixa na qual está escrito "Êxodo da Pobreza".


quarta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2023

Avebarna Herald: Beco sem saída?

NYTimes 26-12-2023
Despite lingering inflation, Americans increased their spending this holiday season, early data shows. That comes as a big relief for retailers that had spent much of the year fearing the economy would soon weaken and consumer spending would fall. (..)
O crescimento do consumo nos padrões atuais, vital para a saúde da “economia”, é também o caminho mais seguro e rápido para o colapso ambiental planetário. A urgência de uma economia mundial alternativa, substancialmente planejada com a inestimável ajuda dos computadores quânticos e disso que hoje chamam de "inteligência artificial", é um segredo de polichinelo, por muito que os beneficiários da que temos hoje finjam não saber. Resta ver quem poderá construí-la - e como.


terça-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2023

Avebarna Herald: Pode isso, Arnaldo?

Folha de São Paulo 22-12-2023
Em decreto que deu uma nove regulamentação para a LAI (Lei de Acesso à Informação) no estado de São Paulo, o governador Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicanos) ampliou o rol de agentes que podem classificar documentos no grau ultrassecreto, nível máximo de sigilo, com prazo de 25 anos. Na mesma norma, também transferiu as competências sobre o cumprimento dessa lei para a CGE (Controladoria-Geral do Estado - até então, a maioria delas estava sob responsabilidade do Arquivo Público do estado. (..) O órgão é chefiado por Wagner Rosario, que durante o governo de Jair Bolsonaro (PL) esteve à frente da CGU (Controladoria-Geral da União).

Montagem: Avebarna

segunda-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2023

Avebarna Herald: Natal em Gaza

AP News 23-12-2023
Israel’s war to destroy Hamas has killed more than 20,000 Palestinians, health officials in Gaza said Friday, as Israel expanded its offensive and ordered tens of thousands more people to leave their homes.

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domingo, 24 de dezembro de 2023

Avebarna Domingo: O capital no século XXI

Michael Roberts Blog 03-12-2-023, por M Roberts
(..) Real world economics should be about understanding what is happening in the world around us: what causes inflation, unemployment, poverty, inequality, climate change etc. And what are the economic policy answers. But there is a problem. What I call mainstream economics does not discuss or deal with these real world issues very well.

One example directly involving this very building springs to mind. Back in the depth of what came to be called the Great Recession of 2008-9 when all the major economies were suffering a sharp and deep fall in national output, employment and average incomes, after a humungous collapse in the banking and financial systems, Queen Elizabeth visited the London School of Economics. As she stepped into this very building, she asked the gathering of eminent economists who met her: “Why did no one see it coming?”(..)

(..) In my view, real world economics must look at the ‘big picture’. Economists should not be just doctors but social scientists, or more accurately they should develop an economics that recognises the wider social forces that drive economic models. That is called political economy, mostly not taught in universities. Let me remind you of some of the big picture economic issues that will affect us all much more than anything like whether the HS2 rail line is built or income taxes should be raised or reduced.

First, there is global warming and climate change. The international Cop28 is meeting in Dubai right now on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions – what is needed is a 43% reduction in emissions by the end of this decade if the world is to avoid an average increase in global temperature more than 2C above pre-industrial levels.

What are the economic theories and policies that can achieve that reduction? It is worrying to know as the LSE’s own Nicholas Stern, the world’s leading climate economist, has noted: “Economics has contributed disturbingly little to discussions about climate change. As one example, the most prestigious mainstream Quarterly Journal of Economics, currently the most-cited journal in the field of economics, has never published an article on climate change!

Then there is the issue of global poverty and rising inequality of wealth and income between nations around the world and within nations. (..)

Economics and economists should not be sucked into just being like dentists fixing teeth, but also use their skills and the scientific method to understand the big picture and so help to make a better world for all. Then perhaps we can avoid being visited by King Charles at some time in future and have him repeat what Queen Elizabeth said: “why did you not see that coming?”

sábado, 23 de dezembro de 2023

Palestina democrática, laica e multiétnica!


O que espera o Tribunal Penal Internacional para pedir a prisão e julgamento de Benjamin Netanyahu por genocídio e crimes contra a humanidade? O "de acordo" dos Estados Unidos? 


quarta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2023

AveHerald: Jogo empatado - por enquanto

Folha de S Paulo 17-12-2023
Os chilenos rejeitaram pela segunda vez a proposta de uma nova Constituição e frearam um avanço da ultradireita no país: com 99% das urnas apuradas, 56% da população havia votado contra e 44%, a favor do texto consolidado por essa força política nos últimos meses, em referendo realizado neste domingo (17). (..) Boric discursou que "o processo constitucional está encerrado" e que agora "as urgências são outras". Criticou opositores por fazerem o que chamou de campanha do medo e por terem tentado transformar a eleição em um plebiscito do seu governo, mas depois fez um chamado à união e aos consensos.

2023-12- 20

terça-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2023

Avebarna Herald: Marmelada ambiental

The Guardian 12-12-2023
Influential industry trade groups, thinktanks and public relations agencies with a track record in climate denialism and misleading the public have been given access to the UN climate talks in Dubai, the Guardian can reveal. Corporate Accountability, a transparency watchdog, has found that UN organizers greenlighted access to groups that have obstructed fossil fuel regulations and other climate action, giving them the same or greater access to the international negotiations as Indigenous communities, human rights groups and climate justice organizations.

Organizations and individuals invited by country-delegations also have access to closed-room negotiations from which civil society and grassroots groups are locked out. The new data, derived from official UN delegate lists, found at least 166 climate deniers and fossil fuel public relations professionals are at Cop28. The true number is probably significantly higher as only the most prominent bodies were included in the analysis. Some of the groups have been coming to the UN climate talks for years. (..) 


domingo, 17 de dezembro de 2023

Avebarna Domingo: O capital no século XXI

Michael Roberts blog 16-12-2023, por M Roberts
The COP28 conference on what to do about global warming and climate change held in Dubai finished last Thursday. Attended by a record 70,000 people (carbon footprint?) and hosted by the head of Dubai’s state oil company (!), the final statement appeared to make a major breakthrough. The statement talked of “a transition away from all fossil fuels”. For the first time, it was agreed that fossil fuel exploration, production and use must end. An historic step, it has been argued.
But a ‘transition away’ is really mealy-mouthed sophistry to avoid ‘phasing down’, let alone ‘phasing out’ fossil fuels that cause over 90% of all carbon emissions into the atmosphere. The ‘transition away’ means that fossil fuel companies can go on producing oil, gas and coal and countries and governments and companies can go on using these energy sources with no agreed reductions. It’s business as usual for the energy companies and for countries with high greenhouse gas emissions. (..)

(..) According to Daniela Gabor, an associate professor in economics at the University of the West of England, we need states to undertake an “extensive, deep intervention in the reorganisation of economic activity that is necessary for a just transition. Carbon wealth taxes don’t even begin to scratch the surface of that transformation.” Jason Hickel wants “democratic control over investment … and production, because profit-seeking markets prioritise the wrong things. When people have democratic control over production, they prioritise human well-being and ecological sustainability,” he says.

This must mean a campaign to bring into public ownership the fossil fuel industry globally and to use the profits and revenues to dramatically invest in renewables, electrification and environmental projects. The solution does not lie in replacing petrol and diesel vehicles with electric cars, but in replacing private transport with carbon and price-free public transport. The solution is not in building homes for profit and speculation, but in well planned urban housing projects built by governments and controlled by working people.

And we still face hell if we do not stop the destruction of nature and instead save the forests, wetlands, land and ocean life. Saving the planet and its species is inexorably connected to controlling global warming.


quinta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2023

Avebarna Herald: USA, para começar!

Estado de S Paulo 12-12-2023
O criador do Windows destaca o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), criado pela Constituição Federal de 1988 e que garante o acesso integral, universal e gratuito para toda a população do País. “Na década que se seguiu, as mortes por doenças não transmissíveis e por causas maternas, neonatais e nutricionais começaram a diminuir e a esperança de vida aumentou. Com o aumento dos serviços de saúde primários, até as hospitalizações caíram.” 

Os elogios (..) se estendem principalmente ao programa de agentes comunitários de saúde, que são profissionais que atuam especialmente em áreas remotas. (..) mais de 286 mil agentes atendem quase dois terços da população – cerca de 160 milhões de pessoas, oferecendo orientações sobre saúde e higiene, defendendo cuidados preventivos e acompanhando consultas médicas. “Atuam como porta de entrada para o maior sistema de saúde público gratuito e universal do mundo, e seu impacto tem sido transformador. Eles são creditados por reduzirem ainda mais a mortalidade infantil e por levarem a cobertura vacinal a níveis quase universais”, diz Gates. (..)


quarta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2023

Avebarna Herald: LGBT? Chama a GPU!

Estadão 30-11-2023
A Suprema Corte russa proibiu, nesta quinta-feira, 30, o ativismo LGBT+ no país. Decidindo em resposta a uma ação movida pelo Ministério da Justiça, o tribunal rotulou o que a ação chama de “movimento” LGBT+ que opera na Rússia como uma organização extremista. A decisão abre caminho para implementar ações jurídicas contra qualquer grupo que defenda os direitos LGBT+ na Rússia.
O juiz da principal jurisdição do país, Oleg Nefedov, ordenou classificar como “extremistas o movimento internacional LGBT e suas filiais” e pediu para “proibir suas atividades no território da Federação russa”, segundo jornalistas da AFP. Nefedov leu o veredicto à imprensa e indicou que a decisão entra em vigor “imediatamente”.


segunda-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2023

Avebarna Herald: COPutaria no 28o.

BBC Nwes 27-11-2023
The United Arab Emirates planned to use its role as the host of UN climate talks as an opportunity to strike oil and gas deals, the BBC has learned. Leaked briefing documents reveal plans to discuss fossil fuel deals with 15 nations. (..) The UAE team did not deny using COP28 meetings for business talks, and said "private meetings are private".

Dr Sultan al-Jaber is president of the climate summit and the head of the United Arab Emirates' state oil company (BBC News)


sábado, 9 de dezembro de 2023

Avebarna Herald: Recuperação judicial

G1 Globo 07-12-2023
A Americanas, em processo de recuperação judicial desde janeiro deste ano, desligou 5.526 funcionários na semana de 27 de novembro a 3 de dezembro, de acordo com documento regulatório divulgado pela varejista nesta quinta-feira (7). Com as demissões, a empresa encerrou o período mantendo um total de 33.861 trabalhadores ativos — quase 10 mil a menos em comparação com o início deste ano.
Montagem: Avebarna

sexta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2023

Avebarna Fridays for Future

The Guardian 24-11-2023
World leaders must “stop dawdling and start doing” on carbon emission cuts, as rapidly rising temperatures this year have put everyone on the frontline of disaster, the UN’s top climate official has warned.

No country could think itself immune from catastrophe, said Simon Stiell, who will oversee the crucial Cop28 climate summit that begins next week. Scores of world leaders will arrive in Dubai for tense talks on how to tackle the crisis.


quinta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2023

AveHerald: Fascists accepted, WASPs only!

NYTimes 01-12-2023
George Santos, the New York Republican congressman whose tapestry of lies and schemes made him a figure of national ridicule and the subject of a 23-count federal indictment, was expelled from the House on Friday after a decisive bipartisan vote by his peers.

The move consigned Mr. Santos, who over the course of his short political career invented ties to the Holocaust, Sept. 11 and the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, to a genuine place in history: He is the first person to be expelled from the House without first being convicted of a federal crime or supporting the Confederacy.


segunda-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2023

AveHerald: No cu dos outros é refresco!

The Guardian 23-11-2023
Elon Musk has decried a wave of “insane” strikes focused on Tesla workshops in Sweden, as workers target the US electric car manufacturer in a strike calling for collective bargaining rights.

Montagem: Avebarna
In what has been portrayed as the largest fight in decades to save Sweden’s union model from global labour practices, the powerful trade union IF Metall has been leading a strike across eight Tesla workplaces in Sweden for five weeks.


sexta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2023

Avebarna Fridays for Future

LaVanguardia 20-11-2023
Las actuales promesas de acción climática de los países son insuficientes y conducen a un calentamiento del planeta que se situaría este siglo entre 2,5 y 2,9 °C por encima de los niveles preindustriales. Pero si se siguen rutinariamente las políticas actuales, la subida sería mayor: llegaría a los 3ºC este siglo.

De ahí la necesidad “urgente” de lograr una acción más ambiciosa. Así lo indica el Informe sobre la Brecha de Emisiones, elaborado por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (Pnuma), en el que se analizan los actuales planes o contribuciones nacionales que han puesto en marcha los países y las acciones necesarias para lograr un clima seguro. (..)
