domingo, 24 de julho de 2011

sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2011

Indignação transnacional

Deu no El País online
21-07-2011, por Ana Garralda / Jerusalém
Los indignados de Israel
Jóvenes llegados de varias ciudades de Israel han tomado las calles. Protestan por los precios de la vivienda, de la gasolina y los productos básicos. Se inspiran, dicen, en las revueltas de sus vecinos árabes
"Gente de Israel, vosotros que estáis hoy reunidos en las plazas de vuestras ciudades. Este es un mensaje de esperanza y de solidaridad desde el movimiento 15-M en España". Así dice una de las indignadas del movimiento 15-M en el video que la plataforma ha enviado a los jóvenes israelíes que llevan días acampados en ciudades como Jerusalén, Tel Aviv, Beersheva, Jerusalén o Kfar Saba. Sus reivindicaciones: acceso a una vivienda digna, la bajada de precios en bienes de consumo básico. (Continua)

domingo, 10 de julho de 2011

Trilha sonora: Siberian Khatru

Rick Wakeman, Jon Anderson, Alan White,
Steve Howe, and Chris Squire

Siberian Khatru
Jon Anderson
Steve James Howe
Rick Wakeman

Sing, bird of prey
Beauty begins at the foot of you
Do you believe the manner?
Gold stainless nail
Torn through the distance of man
As they regard the summit
Even Siberia goes through the motions
Hold out and hold up
Hold down the window
(Outbound, river)
Hold out the mornin' that comes into view
(Blue tail, tail fly)
River runnin' right on over my head
How does she sing?
Who holds the ring?
And ring and you will find me coming
Cold reigning king
Hold all the secrets from you
As they produce the movement
Even Siberia goes through the motions
Hold out and hold up
Hold down the window
(Outbound, river)
Hold out the mornin' that comes into view
(Blue tail, tail fly)
River runnin' right on over the outboard
River, blue tail, tail fly, Luther, in time
Hold down the window
Hold out the morning that comes into view
Warm side, the tower
Green leaves reveal the heart spoken khatru
Gold stainless nail
Torn through the distance of man
As they regard the summit
Cold reigning king
Shelter the women that sing
As they produce the movement
River running right on over then over my head
(Outboard, river)
Blue tail, tail fly, Luther, in time
Sun tower, asking, cover, lover
June cast, moon fast as one changes
Heart gold leaver, soul mark mover
Christian changer, called out savior
Moon gate climber, turn round glider

sábado, 2 de julho de 2011

Boa pergunta!

Deu no New York Times
15-09-2006, por Paul Krugman

Progress or regress?

(..) The United States economy is far richer and more productive than it was a generation ago. Statistics on economic growth aside, think of all the technological advances that have made workers more productive over the past generation. In 1973, there were no personal computers, let alone the Internet. Even fax machines were rare, expensive items, and there were no bar-code scanners at checkout counters. Freight containerization was still uncommon. The list goes on and on.

Yet in spite of all this technological progress, which has allowed the average American worker to produce much more, we’re not sure whether there was any rise in the typical worker’s pay. Only those at the upper end of the income distribution saw clear gains — gains that were enormous for the lucky few at the very top. 
