Scores killed on Syria's 'day of rage'
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Anti-government protests have spread across Syria despite weeks of government repression Foto: Reuters / Al Jazeera |
Dozens of people have been shot dead by Syrian security forces, activists claim, as tens of thousands took part in anti-government rallies dubbed a "day of rage".
(..) The government claims its forces are battling "extremist and terrorist groups in the town" and said two soldiers were killed on Friday.
(..) The protests have drawn a cross section of Syrian society, which has been under Baath Party rule for the last 48 years. The younger Assad kept intact the autocratic political system he inherited in 2000 from his father, Hafez al-Assad.
Faroeste universitário
El Estado de Tejas permitirá llevar armas en las universidades
Si el Estado de Tejas pasa este mes - y todo apunta a que así será - una ley permitirá llevar armas en los campus universitarios y se convertirá en el segundo de la Unión en hacerlo, tras Utah. Otros preparan ya normativas para permitir que los estudiantes y los profesores vayan armados en los recintos universitarios, como es el caso de Nuevo México, Colorado, Georgia o Florida. En Maryland, Connecticut y el Distrito de Columbia, en Washington, la ley deja en manos de cada institución de enseñanza decidir al respecto.
Aunque en principio pudiera pensarse lo contrario, el debate sobre si se debe permitir o no portar armas en los campus resurgió tras la masacre de la Universidad de Virginia Tech en 2007, donde un estudiante acabó con la vida de 32 personas. Los defensores de las armas de fuego argumentaron entonces y argumentan ahora que aquella tragedia no hubiera pasado -o al menos no hubiera sido tan numerosa- si los estudiantes o el profesorado hubieran podido repeler el ataque al estar armados. (..)
O califado burocrático periclita
El País 16-02-2011La protesta estalla en Libia
2.000 personas se manifiestan en Bengasi contra el régimen y por la liberación de los presos políticos.- Los choques con la policía causan tres muertos y 38 heridos
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O Líder Fraternal e Guia da Revolução não aprova a derrubada revolucionária de Ben Ali, da Tunísia, e de Mubarak, do Egito Imagem: Internet |
Los vientos de la revuelta árabe, que empezó en el vecino Túnez hace dos meses y se propagó al también vecino Egipto, han llegado aparentemente antes de tiempo a Libia, el país más hermético y próspero del norte de África. La chispa que provocó la revuelta fue la detención, por la policía de Fethi Tarbel, un abogado defensor de presos de conciencia libios al que se le reprocha "haber propagado el rumor de que la cárcel [de Abu Salim, donde se concentran los prisioneros políticos] ardía", según el rotativo Quryna de Bengasi, la segunda mayor ciudad libia.
Horas después, cientos de familiares de esos reos encarcelados en el siniestro penal, cerca de Trípoli, se han echado a la calle en Bengasi. Reclamaban su liberación ante la sede de una comisaría de esa ciudad, la segunda del país (con más de un millón de habitantes, la sexta parte de la población libia). Al final, cerca de 2.000 personas corearon eslóganes que iban más allá de exigir la liberación del letrado. (..)
"We have brought down the regime!"
Al Jazeera 11-02-2011
Hosni Mubarak resigns as president
Egyptian president stands down and hands over power to the Supreme Council for the Armed Forces
(..) The crowd in Tahrir chanted "We have brought down the regime", while many were seen crying, cheering and embracing one another.
Mohamed ElBaradei, an opposition leader, hailed the moment as being the "greatest day of my life", in comments to the Associated Press news agency.
"The country has been liberated after decades of repression,'' he said. (..)
Mubarak Orders Crackdown, With Revolt Sweeping Egypt
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Mohamed Omar/European Pressphoto Agency / NY Times |
With police stations and the governing party’s headquarters in flames, and much of this crucial Middle Eastern nation in open revolt, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt deployed the nation’s military and imposed a near-total blackout on communications to save his authoritarian government of nearly 30 years.
Protesters continued to defy a nationwide curfew in the early hours of Saturday, as Mr. Mubarak, 82, breaking days of silence, appeared on national television, promising to replace the ministers in his government, but calling popular protests “part of bigger plot to shake the stability” of Egypt. He refused calls, shouted by huge, angry crowds in the central squares of Cairo, the northern port of Alexandria and the canal city of Suez, for him to resign. (..)
Primavera tunisina
The Guardian 15-01-2011
Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali forced to flee Tunisia as protesters claim victory
Tunisia's president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali has fled his country after weeks of mass protests culminated in a victory for people power over one of the Arab world's most repressive regimes.
Ben Ali had taken refuge in Saudi Arabia, at the end of an extraordinary day which had seen the declaration of a state of emergency, the evacuation of tourists of British and other nationalities, and an earthquake for the authoritarian politics of the Middle East and north Africa. (..)
Tunisia Leader Flees and Prime Minister Claims Power
Demonstrators climbed the walls of the Interior Ministry in Tunis on Friday. Foto: Holly Pickett / The NY Times |
The fall of Mr. Ben Ali marked the first time that widespread street demonstrations had overthrown an Arab leader. And even before the last clouds of tear gas had drifted away from the capital’s cafe-lined Bourguiba Boulevard, people throughout the Arab world had begun debating whether Tunisia’s uprising could prove to be a model, threatening other autocratic rulers in the region. “What happened here is going to affect the whole Arab world,” said Zied Mhirsi, a 33-year-old doctor protesting outside the Interior Ministry on Friday. He carried a sign highlighting how he believed Tunisia’s protests could embolden the swelling numbers of young people around the Arab world to emulate the so-called Jasmine Revolution.
The Guardian 09-01-2011
Demonstrators clash with Tunisian security force members Dec27 2010 in Tunis. Foto: Fethi Belaid AFP / Getty Images |
(..) Rioting against joblessness and other social ills has scarred many cities in the country since 17 December, when a 26-year-old graduate set himself on fire when police confiscated his fruits and vegetables for selling without a permit.Mobs have since attacked public buildings and the local office of the party of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. (..) In neighbouring Algeria, meanwhile, three people died over four days of rioting, the interior ministry there said this weekend. Algerian youths took to streets to protest against rising prices of staples like sugar and cooking oil. The Algerian government announced yesterday that it was slashing taxes on those products by 41%.
(..) El obispo cordobés afirmó que esta ideología de género promulga que "uno no nacería varón o mujer, sino que lo elige según su capricho, y podrá cambiar de sexo cuando quiera según su antojo". Para el prelado, se trata del "último logro de una cultura que quiere romper totalmente con Dios, con Dios creador, que ha fijado en nuestra naturaleza la distinción del varón y de la mujer". (..)
El País 03-01-2011
Al menos 43 inmigrantes africanos se ahogan en la costa de Yemen
Cientos de africanos arriesgan su vida en el golfo de Adén para tratar de llegar a Yemen, país al que consideran como la puerta de entrada a otras naciones más ricas de Oriente Próximo, y eventualmente, una vía para llegar a países occidentales.
Execução humana, degola divina
Saddam aides hanged, anger at beheading "mishap"
Two of Saddam Hussein's aides were hanged before dawn on Monday, the Iraqi government said, admitting that the head of his half-brother Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti was also ripped from his body during the execution. (..) Government adviser Bassam al-Husseini said the damage to the body was "an act of God". During his trial for crimes against humanity over the killings of 148 Shi'ites from Dujail, a witness said Barzan's agents put people in a meat grinder. "The convicts were not subjected to any mistreatment," Dabbagh said describing the beheading by the rope as a rare mishap. (..)
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Montagem: Avebarna |
"Vengo de un país que quiso comprar el mundo". Cualquiera del millón y medio de habitantes del pequeño emirato de Catar podría pronunciar esta frase. ¿Cómo explicar si no el descomunal apetito inversor mostrado en los últimos meses por un país del tamaño de la Región de Murcia? Hagan memoria: la adquisición de los almacenes ingleses Harrods, el patrocinio del FC Barcelona, la entrada en la constructora alemana Hochtief y en la francesa Vinci, la compra del estudio californiano Miramax Films, la adjudicación del Mundial de fútbol de 2022... Todo parece interesarles. (..)
Al fin y al cabo, como dice Charles Whall, analista de petróleo de la firma Newton Investment, una de las gestoras de BNY Mellon: "El país está diversificando sus ingresos no porque esté obligado a hacerlo, pues las reservas de hidrocarburos aún durarán décadas, sino porque así mejora su imagen y gana fortaleza en su gran deseo, que es convertirse en el líder de la región desbancando a Dubai". (..)