quinta-feira, 9 de maio de 2013

Juventude transviada

Deu no El País English online 08-05-2013, por Miguel Ángel Medina

Beatriz Talegón, secretária da
União Internacional da Juventude
Socialista, chama às falas as indignadas
multidões de jovens desempregados
da Puerta del Sol por atentar contra o
Estado do bem-estar social e a
estabilidade das instituições
democráticas do Reino de Espanha.

Montagem: Avebarna

Socialist youth leader claims “right could be behind” 15-M protest movement 
The secretary general of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY), Beatriz Talegón, (..) turned her focus on the 15-M popular movement: "I am not one for conspiracy theories but at that time of attending protests and assemblies I started to see things that bothered me, and now I say it more strongly: there are those that say that the right might be behind this movement," the 29-year-old told Argentinean station Radio Hache.
Although the interview was taped several months ago, the recording started to circulate on social networking sites on Monday. Talegón states that at the beginning, 15-M was "a cry out against everything, against the system, and was quite right in much of what it said."
However, she then accuses 15-M of "opening the door to the right so it can destroy the welfare state."